Hello, thank you for visiting my website. Let me introduce myself. My name is Duvan. Nice to meet you. I am from Colombia, and I would like to share with you some things I enjoy: I enjoy reading and learning about many topics, but technology is always in my mind. I define myself as a quiet and happy person, with the ability to listen and then look for a solution.

Cloud Engineer & Technology Enthusiasts.
I like meeting and connecting with technology communities around the world to learn and get to know people that inspire discipline and lots of conviction in the technology industry.
- Birthday: 15 Dec 1986
- Website: duvanbaena.com
- Phone: +057 3122988419
- City: Medellín, COL
- Age: 37
- Degree: Software Engineering Specialist
- Email: contac@duvanbaena.com
- Hour: 15 USD
I believe that technology is an interesting industry. I like software development. I am an open-source believer and a faithful follower of DevOps. I have knowledge and experience in the public cloud Azure and Azure DevOps platform. I am also well informed about the definition of infrastructure as code, about the use of methods to release applications to customers through automation CI/CD and monitoring metrics to identify degradations application.
I still have a long way to go academically and professionally. But I already did the most difficult thing, that is, to start. 🖥️ Lifelong learning 💻
Open English, Col
- I am an English language and literature student
Software Engineering Specialist
2019 - 2020
University of Medellin, Col
The Software Engineering Specialization is based on two key elements of the software engineering process: requirements of engineering and architectural design.
Computer Software Technician
2015 - 2018
I am skilled in software development and analysis, application design and implementation, and maintenance of web and mobile environments .
Systems Engineering degree
2011 - 2017
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Col
I am creative and have the ability to innovate in the design, development and implementation of computer systems that integrate hardware administration, telecommunications technologies and software.
Professional Experience
2018 - 2022
Globo Studio of Colombia S.A.S, Medellín, Col
- Create automated deployments by using configuration management technology. Deploy new modules and updates and fix bugs within the production environment.
- Monitoring the availability of Cloud PaaS/SaaS solutions, performance, and production of health systems in support of meeting service level objectives.
- Administration within the Azure ecosystem, complemented using CI/CD technologies and management of source code repositories.
IT Infrastructure Engineer
2008 - 2018
Colombia National Police, Medellín, Col
- Maximizing network efficiency by monitoring performance, troubleshooting network problems and outages, scheduling upgrades, supporting PC (HW, OS, drivers, interfaces, software, etc.).
- Secure network systems by establishing and applying policies, defining and , monitoring access so computer systems available during production hours.
- Research, advise, and implement the best practices to maintain the infrastructure.
I would like to suggest some books that inspired me and can be useful to you.
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I have met some people whose advice or ways of analyzing life have contributed to improving my way of thinking.
Disciplina y claridad de sus objetivos, a Duvan lo conocí sin pensar que encontraría a una persona tan dedicada a cumplir sus sueños, tan estructurado en sus metas y objetivos, una persona digna de seguir en un tiempo en el que la gente sigue a personas que no aportan a su crecimiento personal ni profesional.

Esteban Valencia
Chief Happiness Officer
Cuando vemos a una persona que está logrando sus sueños, no siempre podemos ver sus horas de esfuerzo, sus libros leídos, su disciplina aplicada y sus peldaños descubiertos, lo has logrado con especial actitud, y con un aprendizaje constante.

Lina Marcela Gil
Ceo & Founder
Evolución y reinvención, emergentes en el apetito de conocimiento que a su vez incitaron la curiosidad de conocer y aprender, permitieron que desarrollaras un potencial excepcional y una inmersión ejemplar en el descubrimiento de las tecnologías, un profundo respeto y admiración de mi parte.

Jaime Cortes
Chief Technology Officer
These are any certification, my gold is never stop to learnig.